I have extreme hypercholesterolemia. Besides a genetic problem, are there any other causes of very high? - how hypercholesterolemia causes high blood pressure
Cholesterol? I have this question a while ago, but removed for a reason. Four people had answered the question, but had not yet received any of these questions. So, if this question sounds a bell, or if he does, and how to react, please. My appointment with the cardiologist will be available soon, and I have studied this problem instead of treating the symptoms without a cause.
Mostly hereditary and diet.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypercholes ...
Basically, the liver does not absorb the excess cholesterol in the blood. This is usually done while you sleep, so that statins are generally carried out before going to bed at night.
There is also a genetic disorder, familial hypercholesterolemia, but this is rare and unlikely in your case.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Familial_hy ...
Of course, everyone should have their cholesterol tested regularly by 40 (30 if) a history of heart problems, high blood pressure or high cholesterol in the family, and heart problems due to high cholesterol levels can prevent damage can be avoided.
Nutrition and genetics are the two causes.
There are several components of cholesterol: total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL and HDL cholesterol - all of them high. What is your diet like: Do you see the saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol - sugar and carbohydrates? It depends on what having a better say what you want in your diet - you should be omega-3 and increased their soluble fiber: soluble fiber in whole grains, almonds found, walnuts, etc. Get your number and we can say no more.
Maintaining a "healthy" weight - if you are heavier on the stomach - this may increase the risk of heart disease.
Starting to exercise: aerobic and strength training - The recommended daily dose is 30 minutes per day - you can start 3-5 days per week and increase it.
You should also check their blood sugar levels in the fasting - People with high triglyceride levels should be more careful because it can lead to diabetes.
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